Life has been so-so these past few weeks. Busy but not yet busy like a bee. The real busy starts when August kicks in, which is only a few days away. Dang! And fasting month also starting in a few days! Wondering how I'm supposed to conserve my energy while fasting when I got so many things to do.
Been signing up and volunteering for many events and charities. I decided a few months back that I gotta change my life and stop being such a lazy ass, thus, I'm drowning myself in events instead. But I don't mind really. It's time that I socialize myself with the world outside.
August: Completing 2 major projects. Attend JSXP Training Camp. Study like a witty insolent. Volunteer for L.I.F.E-ly Kidz Event. Fasting month.
September: Volunteer for food drive. Volunteer for JSXP for 2 weeks. Find work. Hari Raya.
October: Temporary work like there's no tomorrow. Volunteer for any charity events available.
That's how it goes. My free time are mainly set aside for studying, major projects, volunteering and working my ass off. I couldn't even think that I might have much time to go out with old friends since I'll be royally tired beyond comprehension. I need go buy Berroca soon to give me that extra energy boost to last for the next 3 busy months.
I think I get so busy most days that I would find myself multi-tasking like a boss. Eat and completing whatever important work there is. Either that or I thoroughly skip meals. Uh huh, I skip meals but not intentionally.
I HAVE TO SURVIVE THIS. Because I want to.
August: Completing 2 major projects. Attend JSXP Training Camp. Study like a witty insolent. Volunteer for L.I.F.E-ly Kidz Event. Fasting month.
September: Volunteer for food drive. Volunteer for JSXP for 2 weeks. Find work. Hari Raya.
October: Temporary work like there's no tomorrow. Volunteer for any charity events available.
That's how it goes. My free time are mainly set aside for studying, major projects, volunteering and working my ass off. I couldn't even think that I might have much time to go out with old friends since I'll be royally tired beyond comprehension. I need go buy Berroca soon to give me that extra energy boost to last for the next 3 busy months.
I think I get so busy most days that I would find myself multi-tasking like a boss. Eat and completing whatever important work there is. Either that or I thoroughly skip meals. Uh huh, I skip meals but not intentionally.
I HAVE TO SURVIVE THIS. Because I want to.