Sunday, 13 May 2012

I'm so busted this weekend since I did nothing at all for any of my assignments. Had a long week which ended with a Freshmen Camp which was fun but darn tiring and I can bet you all, I can't remember any freshmen's name now.
My legs' muscles are aching like nobody's business and I'm still too tired to think about doing assignments. I feel so disgusted with myself for not doing them.

But what's more disgusting is my meals these few days.

Friday, 11 May: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all consists of McDonald. All thanks to camp.

Saturday, 12 May:  Lousy meals provided by the camp. But I welcomed the food my relative bought when we went to uncle's house.

Sunday, 13 May: Yureka Teppanyaki Restaurant @ Thong Soon for lunch. Rex eating house for dinner.

Monday, 14 May: No idea what I'm gonna eat for lunch but dinner will be a bomb! Hei Sushi Restaurant, here I come bby!

Ah, even typing a blog post seems tiring for me today. I'll just cut it short.



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