Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Nowadays I've been sleeping way to early and waking up way to early and I'm thanking God for it. I've always wanted to be a morning person; the early riser. Ya know, those few who wakes up at ungodly hours before the rest of the world does. Don't worry, I've got the number of hours required to consider it a beauty sleep, I think.

And I'm no longer ignoring the alarm clock. What a feat!

So yeah, I woke up at 0430 today without snoozing the alarm~

Don't ask me why but ever since Year 2 semester started, I get tired way too easily after the last class for each day and I know as hell that I'm the least productive when it comes to getting any work done in that state. Add unproductive to worthless bitch and you'll get major bitching from me. So I decided to save ourselves from the misery and sleep it off before the clock even hits 2200.

To pay off the lost time of getting no work done at night, I obviously have to wake up darn early to do so. D-uh. I just stated the obvious... unless I'm one of those lazy bums... which I can assure you, I'm trying my best to avoid that danger zone.

Alright. Enough babbling, time to continue getting some work done before I get ready for school in a few hours' time.

Ciao, m'loves.


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