Sunday, 1 May 2011

Week 1 in Temasek Polytechnic

It has been, what, about one week since I last updated. Oppsie! Sorry. I've been so busy trying to adapt to the new environment and tertiary education which seems like it's finally taking a toll on my health. Sick for 5 days straight already - sore throat to cough, then blocked nose, fever and headache. Am still sick and doesn't seem like it's going away anytime sooner. Oh, bummer.

I realized that the subjects I take under this course (Integrated Facility Management) is somehow difficult. It's a mixture of both Engineering and Business. I should have known earlier... Sigh. Electrical Services for Facilities is totally learning Physics all over again and Engineering Math, well, it's a whole new level of Math that I should have taken during my Sec school days. Engineering Math is like Add Math, of which I'm seriously and dangerously lagging behind. At least I have two good friends who could help me along the way.

I swear all lectures are boring and waste of time. I prefer tutorials since I can catch up more easily and interact with the teachers with ease, without having another 3 to 4 other classes casting their eyes upon you. Awkward.

Real Estate Business (REBUS) and Engineering Math (ENG Math) lectures are mindfucked boring. But it was compensated with fun tutorials. Same goes for the Electrical Services for Facilities (ESFAC).

I wouldn't say the same for CADS. Both it's lectures and tutorials are mindfucked monotonous and shagged because the same teacher/lecturer teaches both. Mofo. She's an outdated old hag.

WRTORAL and EFFCOM are the best. They're tutorials. And English-based subjects. Totally chicken feet.

Let's talk about my class people a little bit. Hmmm... So far, I'm getting on well with most of them, especially Wawa, Qid and Meredith. I'm glad I met them. They're my laughing, lunch, class buddies.
But... I can't stand some girls. I'm not going to hide it anymore. There's this bimbo-ish clique in my class all thanks to this girl who seems to influence the other 2 girls. Oh my.
I don't care them actually, just that they're always posing problems whenever we're supposed to pay up for lecture notes and tutorial books. These girls really got onto my nerves until it got me thinking, why the fuck was I helping to collect money for the class... Bitches.
Well, it was because I wanted to help Qid. She's the Class Chairman... But she's the one collecting money. See how useless our class Treasurer is? The supposed Treasurer is just another girl I dislike in class, whom I hope I will never be associated with in the future.
Go drown yourself, you materialistic mofo.
I don't even want to trust you if you collect the money for class fund.

Recently, I accomplished something on my own when I'm supposed to do it with my project mates. Idiotic, I know. I was too absorbed doing presentation slides for REBUS until I realized I had actually finished it all by myself. Waiting to do with my project mates seems to be a problem since we all live quite a distance away from each other. So, I'm done with one presentation.


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