Thursday, 19 April 2012

G-O GO! Year 2.1 Here I Come!

I don't know what to feel about my new modules for the new semester, it seems difficult and definitely dry. Whatnot, most of the modules are about buildings! Fire and Life Safety Management? Energy Management and Audit? Sustainable Facility Management? Security and Surveillance? Add some business modules like Quantitative Methods and Business Continuity Management.
At first, I was sure as hell excited to be getting a new timetable but once I realized what the modules could possibly be teaching, I was like 'Damn, how to survive the next few months!'.

Mondays: I could deal with the Monday Blues by going for morning runs, have a hearty breakfast outside and then possible take some naps before going to school because thank God, classes start late.

Tuesdays: Again, I think I could deal with the classes for Tuesdays since it starts at 10am and ends at 4pm. Hopefully I can squeeze a morning run before classes if I'm not a bum.

Wednesdays: The day could have been better if my classes start from 9am to 1pm like the rest of my classmates but no. Just no. Creative Writing just have to butt in at 2pm till 5pm and I can't imagine myself sitting quietly for a 3-hour class. And yeah, I chose Creative Writing because I wanted to, so I should just shut up and be happy with the class timing.
Creative Writing = Erotic Writing.
That's what my friends refer this class as for my case.
And I'm touched that some people have faith in me to do well in Creative Writing since I'm such a bookworm. Alright, alright... In other words, I'm such a nerd. Thanks guys! I'll do my best! ;)

Thursdays: The worst day of the week! Classes start at 8am and I've to squash with the rush hour. That's not all! Classes just have to end at 6pm on this day! 8am to 6pm in school? I don't think I can survive this shit without looking like the walking dead. So save me God! :'(

Fridays: Lo and behold! Last day of the week and classes end the earliest on this day; or probably earlier if I'm such an ass and decide to skip some lectures. Heee! Pray tell I don't have any commitments after classes  on this day. I sure as hell want to chill out and wind down.

Well, that's about it. My predictions for the upcoming days ahead once the new semester starts~ ;D

Going into Year 2, brand new semester... there should be new resolve to do better this year! Part of me wants to be a devoted student, another part of me wants to balance both studies and social life. Uhhhh we shall see how! :P


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