Sunday, 12 June 2011

Nursing Home Mistreat Patient

After viewing the video, I got more doubtful of nursing homes in the way they employ workers to handle the old and frail patients. Do they not have strict requirements on their own employees? I mean, yeah sure everyone could handle taking care of old patients but not everyone will handle these patients with much care and concern. Then again, no one can truly check the inner depths of one's heart to know whether they qualify for such jobs.

Anyways, you don't leave an old woman naked under a full blast fan. It's stupid. They will get cold and dude, no one leaves a sick person naked in front of other people. And no one dumps an old woman onto the bed like some sack. It's very disrespectful and surely, hurtful too.

No one can blame the nursing home though, but we can still blame those foreign workers for mistreating that patient. What, so you come to Singapore to work doesn't mean you're given the free ticket to mishandle the main focus of your job. Patients have feelings too, dope.

What goes around, comes around. If these workers never repent, I am sure as hell that one day, when they do get old and their children put them in a nursing home, they'll be treated the same way as how they treat this poor old lady.

Now that this problem has come to light, I hope no other such cases from other nursing homes will surface on the news. I'll be pissed off, ya see.

Mistreating any old people is just low, man. I will surely look down on these assholes for their despicable actions.

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