Thursday, 12 May 2011

Sometimes, I do feel like giving up on myself, on my life, on everything.

I don't know where my resolve and will to fight on disappeared to. Probably down the drain, but that's not the point. I've been feeling so down lately, all because of school - assignments that are hard to understand and end, projects with the least favorable people and bridging program with a lecture hall full of freaking noisy idiots. It's just so demoralizing and I've not been getting much motivation and encouragement from around me. Yeah, totally different from where I used to come from, a school with so much understanding friends. Now, we're just on our own - to make it or break it. The change in environment is really taking a toll on my sanity, mentality and emotions.

But lo and behold! I'm trying my best to fight on still, just so that I can see another tomorrow each day.
Friends from my previous school have been giving me some words of encouragement though. I don't wish to disappoint them now, do I?
While friends from my current school, well, they're been at least putting a smile on my face each and every day. For that, I'm thankful.


Time to wear on that positive vibe so I can motivate myself to move forward and fight on!

Miss A!**

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