Friday, 15 April 2011

I better prepare myself for an outing of ice-skating with FYL girls tomorrow. My first time ever. And let's hope I don't suck or embarrass myself too much by falling down whenever I'm on the ice. I'm sure my butt can crack the ice.

FYL girls. Seems like not everyone is able to attend for this outing that is suppose to be an outing before the hell in Polytechnic breaks loose and JC opens its seventh gate of hell. Oh yeah, we're gonna be that busy soon enough.

I wished I have a good camera ready for tomorrow. But me being me, I only got those lousy ones and even my phone's camera is hopeless. Never mind then. I'll just rely on others' cameras to post some photos on this blog later.
Ah, even Emily is not going. I have failed as an outing organizer. THAT'S IT! I QUIT! No more next time. This is going to be my last time organizing.

Wait up for the new post about this FYL outing.

Have a good weekend ahead, everyone!

Kallang Leisure Park, here I come!!!

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